Current Topics of Regulatory Interest and Services

The USEPA's revised Lead and Copper Rule for drinking water became effective on December 16, 2021, with compliance for most parts by October 16, 2024.
The revised rule is complicated, but one of the straightforward requirements is the identification of all lead service lines which connect drinking water mains to buildings, about 10 million lead service lines across the U.S. in total. New technology will be helpful for this step in the process. (See Drinking Water on the Areas of Expertise page.)
USEPA also announced on December 16, 2021 allocations for 2022 from the Federal infrastucture bill and other funding sources for replacing lead service lines, and for clarifying the revised Lead and Copper Rule before the 2024 compliance date.
Please contact Westlake Science & Technology for more details.

California Proposition 65 is a consumer labeling law.
OEHHA, the California agency that oversees Proposition 65, has added a website (linked to the Prop 65 website) to help explain Prop 65 warning requirements. It's searchable by chemical and by application.
There are over 900 substances on the Prop 65 list, and OEHHA periodically adds more chemicals to the list based on concerns for cancer or reproductive toxicity, which are now part of labeling requirements.
Contact Westlake Science & Technology for more details.

Westlake Science & Technology is working with organizations in Northeast Ohio to demonstrate a technology for removing unwanted debris, such as plastic bags, from stormwater streams.
Pilot installations are planned for 2022.
Contact Westlake Science & Technology if you would like to participate in this important pollution prevention project.

There will be international agreements to address widespread marine pollution from plastics. Meanwhile, many companies are developing methods for recycling and reusing various forms of plastics. Status will be covered at an upcoming Product Stewardship Network meeting in NorthEast Ohio.
BREXIT finally happened and became effective on January 1, 2021. The UK has basically copied over most of the EU chemical management requirements. Issues persist at the Northern Ireland-Ireland border, as well as shipping to and from the EU.
Please contact Westlake Science & Technology with recycling questions or supply chain difficulties.
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